Why are my hands shaking? About tremor

It just so happens that this or that person begins to tremble (shake) limbs, or other parts of the body, or maybe it's all, as they say, entirely. This condition is otherwise called tremor. Of course, it can be of a short-term nature if we are talking about a healthy person, for example, when he is in a state of strong emotional excitement or is very afraid of something.
Nevertheless, more often such a tremor is one of the symptoms of a nervous ailment present, often quite serious. So let's look into this issue in more detail, discuss all possible types of tremor and its manifestations.
Let's start our conversation with the so-called benign tremor, which can occur without seemingly obvious reasons, this type is considered the most common motor disorder.
Unfortunately, not everything is so simple, since this kind of tremor, despite its "good quality", can take quite serious forms, and even in the absence of such an aggravating factor as "family heritage".
Benign tremor is more common among young people and adolescents.
At first, trembling of one upper limb may begin, then it moves to the second.
Tremor of the lower extremities, chin, tongue, head, etc. is not excluded.
But all this does not prevent a person from using cutlery, writing materials and all other surrounding objects.
At the same time, excitement, experiences, and doses of alcohol can enhance the manifestations of tremor.
The greatest severity of hand trembling can be observed if you pull them forward in front of you.
It also happens that the tongue and larynx are "exposed" to tremor, then there is a violation of speech functions.
All such attacks, as a rule, do not require special treatment, a one-time intake of sedatives and sleeping pills is quite enough.
If the appearance of tremor is based on diseases of the cerebellum, then it is distinguished by large-scale movements that are not observed when at rest. And this kind of tremor is called intentional tremor. If you ask a person suffering from it, in a standing position with his arms outstretched and his eyes closed, to get the tip of his nose with his fingers, then he will not be able to do it.
That tremor, which is called asterixis, is considered the most dangerous, the cause of its appearance can be a severe hereditary disease, which is accompanied by the accumulation of copper in liver cells, blood and brain tissues.
Also, it develops in case of renal or hepatic insufficiency or with lesions of the midbrain.
In this case, the limbs are unable to maintain the necessary posture and their irregular flexion and extension is observed.
This kind of tremor, or otherwise postural tremor, which has a benign character, may manifest itself as a consequence of the presence of a hereditary factor, feelings of increased anxiety or ailments associated with the thyroid gland.
It often accompanies a state of drug withdrawal or withdrawal syndrome that occurs after taking increased doses of alcohol.
It is possible that such consequences are possible with an overdose of certain medications, as well as with poisoning with various chemicals.
In this case, the presence of fine-grained movements is observed. If you ask a person to stretch out his hands and spread his fingers, the trembling will become more noticeable.
Movement also does not contribute to its disappearance, but its strengthening occurs in the case of an attempt to concentrate your attention.
About those varieties of tremor, which have been discussed up to the present moment, one has to hear quite rarely.
But with such a disease as Parkinson's disease, which occurs quite often, as a rule, in older people who have crossed the sixty-year mark (but not necessarily), tremor is its main manifestation.
Although it also happens that the onset of the disease may not be accompanied by tremor, or it is poorly expressed.
This disease leads to disability, and cannot be treated, although modern medicine is still able to slow down its development.
But how successful the treatment will be depends on at what stage of the disease it will be started.
For this reason, if there are any doubts, you should contact specialists.
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